
“We Believe, We Strive, We Achieve”

Parent Resources

Attendance & Absence

Absence – Please contact school by 8.55 am to report your child’s absence-ccadden544@c2ken.net

St. Fanchea’s College is committed to working with parents to encourage excellent punctuality and attendance.

It is a requirement that parents contact the school in the case of a student’s absence. This is particularly important so we can make sure there has not been a problem for your child on the way to school.

Please ensure that you clearly state on your phone call or email, your child’s name & surname, your child’s form class, the day of the absence & the reason for the absence.

A signed note from parents should then be brought in by the student on the day that they return to school, or an email should be sent explaining the absence. When an email is used, the school may follow up with a phone call to verify the validity of the email. A signed note is preferred where possible.

Appointments should be made outside of school hours. If this is not possible, e.g. hospital appointments, then pupils should attend school before / after the appointment. A note must be sent into school beforehand.









Financial Help

Information on applying for Free School Meals/School Uniform/Physical Education Clothing Allowance. More people than ever could now be entitled to free school meals.

Please see below some information for Free School meals, Uniform Grants and Transport assistance-

Free School Meals and Uniform Grants


SIMS Parent App

SIMS Parent App allows St. Fanchea’s College to build upon College and Parents relationship and is a way of communicating school life with parents quick and easily. Parents have the ability to be more involved and engaged with their children’s daily life. It allows the College to keep in touch with parents about attendance, homework, only way to receive attendance, behaviour incidents, calendar events, test scores and the summer reports.

Click here for information on how to access SIMS Parent App

School Uniform

It is important that you come to college neat and tidy. We are proud of our college uniform which reflects the individuality of St. Fanchea’s College and offers to all pupils a common form of dress.

The uniform can be purchased in SD Kells, Enniskillen.

Indoor Uniform

Skirt: Regulation grey skirt. MUST be worn at appropriate length.
Blouse: White long sleeved blouse
Tie: Uniform clip on tie
Jumper: Long sleeved maroon with V-neck
Tights: Grey
Knee Socks: White or Grey
Shoes: Black shoes must be worn. They must have low heels – have a sole which does not mark floors. No stilettos, pointed or kitten heel shoes permitted. Boots, runners, platform or canvas shoes are not acceptable.

Outdoor Uniform

Blazer: Uniform Blazer (essential)
Coat: Students can wear an appropriate coat in the winter but no hoodies, sweat jumpers etc.
Scarf: Uniform Scarf (optional)

School Bag

Students are required to have a school bag that will adequately protect school books in all weathers.

All articles of clothing and books must be adequately marked with students name.


In the interest of health and safety only the following jewellery may be worn whilst in college:
• Wrist watch
• One small ring
• One small pair of stud type earrings(one in each ear)

If pupils have a nose piercing – this must be replaced with a clear plastic retainer when pupil is in college.
Make up, nail/gel polish and ‘Fake’ nails are not permitted in college.

PE Uniform

Parents have the option of purchasing PE tops/shorts with the school logo from O’ Neills Sport Shop.  Parents should note that these items are more expensive and not mandatory.

Maroon Shorts and White T-Shirt are compulsory for class.

Click here to see Uniform List

Click here to view Order Form

Communication with Staff

St. Fanchea’s College welcomes open home-school communication with our staff; you can contact staff through the school office on 02866322919 and someone will get back to you as soon as they can. Please be mindful that most staff have a full teaching timetable each day.

You can also use your child’s student planner to leave a brief message for them to draw to the teacher’s attention.
If you have any concerns regarding your daughter please talk to the teacher / form tutor as soon as possible.

Year 8 Induction

Due to current guidance from the Department of Education, we will not be able to hold our normal induction day for our new pupils in June 2021.

All Year 8 pupils will receive a full induction programme on their first day of school in Saint Fanchea’s College on Friday 3rd September 2021.

We very much look forward to seeing all our new pupils and we wish you every success on your new journey as part of the special community here at Saint Fanchea’s College.

Click here to view the 2021 Induction Booklet

Guidance Information for Parents and Pupils – School Re-opening September 2021

School Development Plan 2021-2022

Please find below the link to our current school development plan.